Two of these statements about Eva are fact while one is fiction. Which one is fiction?
Project Manager
Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture of Lille, France BA 2009, MA 2011
Eva came to Winslow Architects in 2018 after working for 5 years with a high-end residential architectural firm – specializing in preparation of construction documents and detailing along with full construction administration services. Although born, raised and educated in France, Eva has developed a particular understanding of New England style residential architecture and wood frame detailing. Eva has managed the construction of several high-end homes and provides leadership while developing a good working rapport and relationship with the contractors that she supervises. Eva has also developed significant IT skills and helps Winslow Architects with its computer management and maintenance – the life blood of any architectural firm.
Eva enjoys being walked by her dog, cooking French cuisine (comes naturally to her) and planning for her 2019 wedding.